Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Barry Bonds to be sentenced, Congress still striking out on debt reduction

I have mentioned before that Congress should never have been investigating steroid usage in baseball.  The authority to do so was attenuated and the motivation to do so was idiotic.  But it is all coming to fruition now was, per this LA Times article, Barry Bonds is finally to be sentenced.  Never mind the fact that Bonds is going to be sentenced for obstruction of justice, the prosecutors second best friend next to the conspiracy charge.  They would have loved to have found a way to cite him for trafficking in narcotics or simply being a bad guy, but the US Code has not yet caught up to Congress' "DC should manage every aspect of our lives" approach.

While they were busy investigating this extraordinary threat to our way of life, economic armageddon snuck up on the country.  It almost makes one think Congress was misguided in its attempt to make American athletes just say no.

Of course, maybe keeping Congress busy with inane investigations into minor issues is an improvement over passing massive, inefficient legislation.  (Click on both links if you want to see why Dubya did not endear himself to fiscal conservatives).