Friday, April 13, 2012

Why in the world would anyone intentionally eat MREs?

I was listening to Alex Jones today, because he's amusing, and I think well intentioned, and although he frequently runs off into the extremes of lunacy, occasionally enlightening.  And he has great lead-in music.

Anyway, I observed that he is more than ever advertising something called eFoodsdirect.  This is a prepackaged food company from where people can order such delicacies as freeze dried carrots and aluminum foil covered, vacuum packed beef stew.

I have had to eat MREs before (Meals Ready to Eat) and they suck.  In fact, I think MREs really prove the point that the USG is almost always inferior to private action.  The one palatable item in MREs is candy-- the Skittles, or M&Ms, or whatever commercial candy is offered up-- but it's never the generic government stuff.  

I have no clue why someone would want to eat MREs, let alone buy their own and then force themselves to eat them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you're obsessing over the USG running your life, or the Fed destroying the dollar, or the Amero, to the point that you care about nothing else, than you're wasting your liberty.  Get out there and enjoy the fact that despite the fact Alex Jones claims America is a fascist state-- it's not.  Go ride some roller coasters, or enjoy the beach, or visit a zoo (the bars will be very FEMA-campish).  

And for God's sake-- enjoy some normal food.