I have no idea if that girl he insulted is going to parlay her new fame into a jackpot of some sort or not, but common decency demands Rush Limbaugh should apologize. His choice of words was crass and offensive.
More puzzling though is the inability of alleged conservatives to criticize health insurance mandates as unnecessary and unconstitutional exercises of federal authority. Leave aside the moral objections-- where can one find the power for government to require insurance companies to provide a service at a certain cost, or free?
I keep hearing that people are angry they don't have health insurance. People should be angry insurance is so costly. If the federal government weren't subsidizing the insurance market, or the mortgage market, or the tuition market, we would not have such distortions in those sectors and healthcare, housing, and tuition would all be more affordable (housing is a weird one, because the American taxpayer has been looped into being an investor in the scam).